Step out of the Fog with Fibromyalgia Massage Therapy
Despite all of the controversy of what causes fibromyalgia, it is now widely recognized as beingImage may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. real with varying methods of treatment. Years ago, patients who were suffering with this often debilitating condition were convinced that their chronic pain was all in their head because typical medical testing will not reveal this invisible demon. There are no specific lab tests and it cannot be diagnosed through x-rays or MRIs. Heavy medications were, and still are, being prescribed to provide patients with a groggy ability to function.
Some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are chronic muscle pain throughout the entire body with specific tender points, which ultimately lead to other complications such as fatigue, sleep problems and restlessness, anxiety and depression. A dear friend who suffers from this condition once described the pain as “feeling like my bones are deteriorating”. After a long battle of doctor visits, being told it was in her head to finally being diagnosed with fibromyalgia she questioned the term and was told it was “chronic pain in the muscle and joints”. Naturally she became very discouraged by being pacified with a fancy name of something she already knew she had…. “chronic pain in muscles and joints”, accompanied by a medicine bottle that kept her mind in a fog. Turning to her own investigative skills — she attends regular massage therapy sessions, made a few diet changes, exercises and is now living comfortably outside of the groggy medicine bottle.
Massage therapy has been used as an alternative to medication for thousands of years, and has been very successful in reducing stress with increased pain relief. Many fibromyalgia sufferers are now turning to living outside of the fog with fibromyalgia massage therapy. If we take a moment and think about the condition, its symptoms and massage therapy all in one breath, massage therapy makes the most sense in finding relief from chronic pain — it is far from the Band-Aid effect of a medicine bottle. When the meds wear off, the pain returns. With massage therapy, the affected areas are rejuvenated back to relaxed, with improved blood circulation that allows the body to rid toxins, while the brain releases necessary chemicals for the body to perform while reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Massage therapy is the long-term, natural relief that is not masked by temporary chemicals. Massage therapy enables the body to heal itself.
Fibromyalgia massage therapy should begin slowly with gradual increased intensity from session to session based on the patient’s wishes and pain level. Sessions should be performed one to times per week at minimum for maximized results. It is important you discuss your symptoms, tender points, and condition in detail with your experienced massage therapist prior to beginning massage therapy to obtain optimal results as you venture into your new found relaxed peace of mind!
From a study conducted in 2002: 24 fibromyalgia patients were randomly assigned to receive massage therapy or attend relaxation therapy. Treatments in both groups were 30 minutes in duration, twice a week for five weeks. Both groups reported a decrease in their anxiety and depression levels immediately. The massage therapy group, however, also reported a vast improvement in sleep, fatigue, restlessness, and decreased pain with fewer tender points. This study also revealed that fibromyalgia massage therapy patients also responded remarkably over patients who received transcutaneous electronic stimulation (electronic skin stimulation).
Fibromyalgia is not in your head, nor do you need to be in a fog to be able to live your life comfortably. Give us a call today, and let us help you get back to you. Libertyville Massage Therapy Clinic offers fibromyalgia massage therapy and relaxation massage and is located in Libertyville, IL. 847-680-0077
Benefits of Fibromyalgia Massage Therapy
- Decreased pain
- Increased muscle and joint mobility
- Decreased anxiety and depression