When it comes to massage therapy it seems like the options are never ending. With so many techniques and types of massages to choose from it can be a struggle to sort through the options. The most important thing to consider when choosing a type of massage therapy is your symptoms. By narrowing down your symptoms, you can easily pinpoint the right massage for you.
Choosing a Massage
Your work at a computer all day and have developed tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back.
- Recommended Massage: Swedish Massage
- The most widely used and most popular massage in the United States, Swedish massages loosen muscles, increase circulation and help release beneficial toxins. They are also great for first-time massage-goers.
You suffer from insomnia, poor circulation, fibromyalgia, back pain, stress, anxiety or depression.
- Recommended Massage: Hot Stone Massage
- A luxurious, deeply smoothly massage therapy experience, hot stone massages relieve muscle aches, stress, fibromyalgia and the nervous system. Hot stone massages also make wonderful gifts.
You cannot lie down on a massage table due to medical issues, or you are looking for a quick bit of relaxation in the midst of your busy day.
- Recommended Massage: Chair Massage
- Chair massages are specially designed to maximize muscle relaxation in the back and neck. Swedish Massage techniques are incorporated to increase circulation and reduce muscle tension and pain.
You suffer from chronic back, shoulder, hip or neck pain.
- Recommended Massage: Deep Tissue Massage
- Deep tissue massage therapy is best for loosening deep layers of muscles, increasing circulation and releasing tight muscular knots. Because it reaches the deepest layers of muscular tissue, deep tissue massages may result in residual discomfort during the session and for a day or two after.
You suffer from acute trauma or a repetitive use injury.
- Recommended Massage: Trigger Point Therapy
- Trigger points are tight, extremely sensitive muscular areas that cause pain locally or in other parts of the body. Massage therapists apply strong, direct pressure on these trigger points to relieve muscle pain and impairment.
You suffer from chronic muscular and soft tissue pain.
- Recommended Massage: Neuromuscular Therapy
- A more advanced form of deep tissue massage therapy, neuromuscular therapy isolates painful muscular issues to help relieve pain patterns and increase circulation.
You are an athlete looking to improve performance, prevent injury or quickly recover from the everyday aches and pains associated with physical activity.
- Recommended Massage: Sports Massage
- Perfect for anyone who participates in regular physical activity, from seasoned athletes to high school football and soccer players, sports massages pinpoint the muscles that undergo the most stress during sporting events.
You are a pregnant woman suffering from resulting discomfort and stress.
- Recommended Massage: Prenatal Massage
- Prenatal massages are tailored to the specific aches and pains pregnant women experience. This unique form of massage therapy reduces neck, back and shoulder stress, relieving sore legs and feet and reducing anxiety and common symptoms of depression.
You are experiencing painful symptoms of plantar fasciitis and arthritis in the feet.
- Recommended Massage: Foot Reflexology
- This extremely relaxing, soothing and therapeutic massage targets reflexology points on the feet to restore comfort and function in the feet and other parts of the body.